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Lea Foster

Lea Foster

By day, I serve as the Director of Radiation Oncology Services for Faith Hope and Love Cancer Center in Lafayette, Indiana. My husband Jerry was the one that sparked my interest in photography when he bought me a digital point and shoot camera several years ago for Christmas. A few months later, I upgraded to a DSLR and as the old saying goes, “the rest is history.” I love to photograph nature and all species of wildlife, large or small. Many of my favorite subjects are found in my very own back yard: from the tiny insects that I shoot with my 100mm macro lens to my “back yard” song birds in which I have a hunting blind that I set up that enables me to get very close to the birds without disturbing or stressing them. My photography has truly allowed me to see the beauty of God’s glorious and wonderful creation. I donate my photography to many local charity organizations and am a member of North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA).